Don't miss Damian Mason and the AGVocacy - Farm Families Speak Up! event, Saturday, March 21st.
Indiana farmer Damian Mason keynote speaker at South Dakota ag event.

Damian Mason, farmer and keynote speaker who delivers a contemporary and positive message for agriculture using humorous and relatable stories, is the featured speaker at Yankton’s FARM FAMILIES SPEAK UP! on Saturday, March 21, 2020. Admission is free; a free-will donation meal will be served.
The event, hosted by Yankton area’s Families Feeding Families AGvocacy, will feature emcee Trent Loos, both a silent and live auction, vendor booths, Damian Mason book-signing, live music by the BS Band and more. All proceeds will be used to help support educational activities designed to promote agriculture in Yankton and the surrounding communities. The event begins at 5:00 p.m. at the National Field Archery Association at 800 Archery LN, Yankton South Dakota.
Agricultural crowds “love Damian’s hilarious farm and ranch themed material and respect his knowledge and advocacy for the ag industry.” He encourages farmers to be “proud, professional and to pass on their legacy of food and agriculture.”
Mason is the author of “Food Fear: How Fear is Ruining Your Dinner and Why You Should Celebrate Eating!” From the history of food production to today’s food fights to the future of eating, “Food Fear” is the lively dinner conversation we all need to have. Mason combines his farm background, agricultural education and industry expertise with wit and edge. His book is factual, informative and entertaining. Learn more about Mason and his book at
Additional information about Families Feeding Families AGvocacy is available at